Some interesting aspects of the script:
- the GTFS spatial data is in geographic coordinates (lat/long). The script projects this into BC-Albers (EPGS code 3005) using the CRS.project() function. Many other coordinate systems could be used (or none - e.g. for output to KML)
- the geomConnect()aggregate function connects Points into LineStrings
Extracts Trips (with shapes) and stops from from a GTFS dataset.
Includes shape, trip and route information.
Spatial data is converted from Geographic to BC-ALbers
Usage Notes:
- indir: directory containing the input GTFS files
indir = ""; outdir = "";
// Extract Trips with unique linework, with route information
CSVReader tshape hasColNames: file: indir+"shapes.txt";
CSVReader ttrip hasColNames: file: indir+"trips.txt";
CSVReader troutes hasColNames: file: indir+"routes.txt";
Mem troutes;
crs_BCAlbers = "EPSG:3005";
//--- extract unique shapes
trips = select distinct route_id, trip_headsign, shape_id
from ttrip;
//--- extract trip pts and order them in sequence
tpt = select shape_id, Val.toInt(shape_pt_sequence) seq,
Val.toDouble(shape_pt_lat) ) pt
from tshape
order by shape_id, seq;
//--- connect pts into lines and project
tline = select shape_id,
CRS.project(Geom.toMulti(geomConnect(pt)), crs_BCAlbers) geom
from tpt
group by shape_id;
//--- join route info to trip shape
trouteLines = select r.route_id, r.agency_id,
r.route_short_name, r.route_long_name,
r.route_type, r.route_url,
trip_headsign, l.*
from tline l
join trips t on t.shape_id == l.shape_id
join troutes r on r.route_id == t.route_id;
ShapefileWriter trouteLines file: outdir+"gtfs_trips.shp";
// Extract Stop points
CSVReader tstopsRaw hasColNames: file: indir+"stops.txt";
tstop = select stop_id,stop_code,stop_name,stop_desc,
Val.toDouble(stop_lat) ), crs_BCAlbers) pt,
from tstopsRaw;
ShapefileWriter tstop file: outdir+"gtfs_stops.shp";
Using this script on the GTFS data for Metro Vancouver (available from TransLink here) produces a dataset that looks like this:
Another option is to use GTFSDB:
It can load directly to a PostGIS database if you enable the spatial features.