Sir, I send a rhyme excelling
In sacred truth and rigid spelling
Numerical sprites elucidate
For me the lexicon's full weight
Maybe not the greatest lyric poem - but list the number of letters in each word. (If you prefer a shortcut this site has them already listed - along with 9, 979 more)
And notice the value of the date as MM.DD...
Commenting on removing "X" on US passports
2 weeks ago
The temptation was way too much to bear. It's tortured, but it fits (at least number wise).
Why, I call, I query
petitions to sanity
quick now reply
repartee wisecrack written
Rejoinder now to win
argument firm sweeps to
lances true aim hit
destroys all my targets
Recanting waste - Ah!
strongly building true
a battalion defence
I gather repelling you
Attacking halfscore ode
victory marks I -
dying opponent lo -
rejoicing riposte here
Not bad, not bad... I sense a contest here - "Best Lyric Poetry encoding an irrational constant".
Or how about the great PI novel - there's a challenge for someone!
(Maybe the same guy that wrote the novel which didn't use the letter 'e')
The problem with such a contest is the winner is likely to take a reputation hit; "You wasted how much time doing THAT?" Otherwise it might be fun (for certain limited definitions of fun). I found myself searching outside my normal vocab and language constructions quite a few times which was interesting.
As for the novel, I'll leave that to whatever idiot savant wants to go down that path. I won't read it either.
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