- quad-edge subdivisions for modelling
- Triangular Irregular Networks (Delaunay triangulations)Delaunay triangulation refinement
- Medial axis refinement
- Surface modelling with a TIN
- Surface hydrological flow modelling over a TIN
- Flood filling
- Depth- and breadth-first Graph traversal
- Topology-preserving Linestring smoothing
- Discrepancy detection
Here's a couple of screenshots from the talk - I'll post the full presentation sometime soon, somewhere...

Really interesting work.
How can i find a demo of waterBug or the official site for more info?
Unfortunately WaterBuG is not hosted anywhere at the moment. I'm working on this, but don't have an ETA for when it will be available.
an open source project not beeing hosted ?
How about a sourceforge (www.sf.net) account for those of us intrested in the project ?
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