A great article on the emerging SMAQ stack for big data.
I wonder if PIG does spatial?
GenAI Patterns: Fine Tuning
9 hours ago
Because the shortest distance between two thoughts is a straight line
1,"Goroka","Goroka","Papua New Guinea","GKA","AYGA",-6.081689,145.391881,5282,10,"U"
2,"Madang","Madang","Papua New Guinea","MAG","AYMD",-5.207083,145.7887,20,10,"U"
3,"Mount Hagen","Mount Hagen","Papua New Guinea","HGU","AYMH",-5.826789,144.295861,5388,10,"U"
29,"Baker Lake","Canada",64.298889,-96.077778,132,"Rankin Inlet","Canada",62.81139,-92.115833
30,"Campbell River","Canada",49.950832,-125.270833,119,"Comox","Canada",49.710833,-124.886667
30,"Campbell River","Canada",49.950832,-125.270833,156,"Vancouver","Canada",49.193889,-123.184444
CSVReader troute hasColNames: file: "routeLine2.csv";
trte = select fromCity, toCity,
Val.toDouble(fromLon) fromLon, Val.toDouble(fromLat) fromLat,
Val.toDouble(toLon) toLon, Val.toDouble(toLat) toLat
from troute;
tlines = select fromCity, toCity, line, len
with {
line = Geodetic.split180(Geodetic.arc(fromLon, fromLat, toLon, toLat, 2));
len = Geom.length(line);
from trte order by len desc;
tplot = select line,
Color.interpolate("f0fff0", "00c077", "004020", len / 200.0 ) lineColor,
0.4 lineWidth
from tlines;
//----- Plot world landmasses for context
ShapefileReader tworld file: "world.shp";
tworldLine = select GEOMETRY, "22222277" lineColor from tworld;
tworldFill = select GEOMETRY, "333333" fillColor from tworld;
width = 2000;
Plot width: width height: width / 2
extent: LINESTRING(-180 -90, 180 90)
data: tworldFill
data: tplot
data: tworldLine
file: "routes.png";
BufferParameters bufParams = new BufferParameters();
return BufferOp.bufferOp(geom, distance, bufParams);
public static boolean isInCircleDDSlow(
Coordinate a, Coordinate b, Coordinate c,
Coordinate p) {
DD px = DD.valueOf(p.x);
DD py = DD.valueOf(p.y);
DD ax = DD.valueOf(a.x);
DD ay = DD.valueOf(a.y);
DD bx = DD.valueOf(b.x);
DD by = DD.valueOf(b.y);
DD cx = DD.valueOf(c.x);
DD cy = DD.valueOf(c.y);
DD aTerm = (ax.multiply(ax).add(ay.multiply(ay)))
.multiply(triAreaDDSlow(bx, by, cx, cy, px, py));
DD bTerm = (bx.multiply(bx).add(by.multiply(by)))
.multiply(triAreaDDSlow(ax, ay, cx, cy, px, py));
DD cTerm = (cx.multiply(cx).add(cy.multiply(cy)))
.multiply(triAreaDDSlow(ax, ay, bx, by, px, py));
DD pTerm = (px.multiply(px).add(py.multiply(py)))
.multiply(triAreaDDSlow(ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy));
DD sum = aTerm.subtract(bTerm).add(cTerm).subtract(pTerm);
boolean isInCircle = sum.doubleValue() > 0;
return isInCircle;
public static boolean isInCircleDDFast(
Coordinate a, Coordinate b, Coordinate c,
Coordinate p) {
DD aTerm = (DD.sqr(a.x).selfAdd(DD.sqr(a.y)))
.selfMultiply(triAreaDDFast(b, c, p));
DD bTerm = (DD.sqr(b.x).selfAdd(DD.sqr(b.y)))
.selfMultiply(triAreaDDFast(a, c, p));
DD cTerm = (DD.sqr(c.x).selfAdd(DD.sqr(c.y)))
.selfMultiply(triAreaDDFast(a, b, p));
DD pTerm = (DD.sqr(p.x).selfAdd(DD.sqr(p.y)))
.selfMultiply(triAreaDDFast(a, b, c));
DD sum = aTerm.selfSubtract(bTerm).selfAdd(cTerm).selfSubtract(pTerm);
boolean isInCircle = sum.doubleValue() > 0;
return isInCircle;
# pts | DP | DD-self | DD |
1,000 | 30 | 47 | 80 |
10,000 | 334 | 782 | 984 |
10,000 | 7953 | 12578 | 16000 |
select ID, GEOM from T1 as t
inner join
HATBOX_MBR_INTERSECTS_ENV('PUBLIC','T1',145.05,145.25,-37.25,-37.05) as i